Saturday, August 07, 2004

Hi All,

I've added a few goodies to the links list on the right hand side of the page. You can check out a selection of photos from Guatemala and Honduras. You do not need to join to view them so feel free to check them out. Also, let us know if you have any questions about anything you see or would care to comment.

Anyway, things here have been pretty good aside from Steph fighting a cold all week long. If you've ever had a summer cold, then you know the special kind of misery you experience with the combination of cold, heat, and occasional fever. Fortunately, recovery is complete in time for the weekend and an afternoon BBQ by the river. For the most part, our last week has consisted of lots of rest and afternoon movies. There was a French film festival this past week which made our most strenuous activities an early evening trip to the theater.

Well, we're in August now and that can only mean that our trip (in Honduras at least) is coming to an end. Not ones to take reality well, Steph and I decided to postopone our return to the US by a week and now have until the 22nd before heading to MIA. That gives us a chance to take one last road trip before leaving. We're planning on taking a trip through the Lenca Highlands in the soutwest of the country and finish off in Tegucigalpa. After that we should have a short week in LCE to pack and tie up the remaining loose ends. Of course, we'll be sure to keep you all posted on our goings on.

I should mention one important event taking place this weekend. The past few days have seen an inordinately high amount of radio and TV time dedicated to the local soccer teams. Most of course spent discusing the indispoutable town favorite and perenial underdogs, Club Deportivo Vida. It would seem that C.D. Vida's woes started even before the season this year. There are already scandals, outrage, and disappointments concerning the team's management and performance. THis despite they have not yet played a single game. It is into this atmosphere (of resigned enthusiasm?) that we'll be stepping into tonight for the season opener in front of a home crowd. It should be fun. Now the city can finally forget about the pesky little problems it faces like corruption, pollution, crime, unemployment, etc. and focus all its attention on truly important matters like how often a group of colorfully dresses grown men in shorts manage to kick a ball into a goal.

With that said: ¡Viva el Vida!


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