Friday, August 03, 2007

So it works!!! OK then, here goes what everybody has been wanting: Pictures of the boy.

Yours Truly on day 1. Setting the tone for the forthcoming relaitonship. Ominous indeed.

Mom seems to be having better luck at it and has reached som sort of entente cordiale

Our first family portrait on Day 2.

Things progressing nicely as Dad lulls Anselm to sleep

Three generations of Fraziers.



A moment for reflexion on the day's events.
Favorite sleeping position
Anslem obviously awestruck by the majesty of the ocean. Mom just glad to get a breather.
Gabriela and Anselm on one of several public sightings. What's really going on?
It's a hard life.


At 10:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, first congratulations on the huge birth of Anselm. He's beautiful...the pics are wonderful and seem to show a profile of Charles with a bit of Stephanie thrown in head on! Great mix:)

Glad to see that you all had some time for r&r at the beach. Parenthood is hard work so you really deserve it! Although not a parent, I would LOVE to be there too!!
kisses to you both and thanks for the update, Elizabeth

At 3:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! He is gorgeous!!!! I see he's already sleeping on his side. Great move. We have just discovered that this position seems to help Louis sleep much better... that's after 6 months of long broken nights... but still better late than never.
We really really look forward to seeing him in the flesh and Louis cannot wait to go to the beach with his little copain.
Bisous a vous trois
Anne-Laure, Noel and Louis


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